Are you tired of feeling powerless at work? Do you want to have a say in your working conditions, pay, and benefits? If so, union membership may be the answer. As a member of Teamsters Local 325, you’ll gain the collective bargaining power to make your voice heard and improve your work environment.
Join with us to gain better working conditions, pay, and benefits, and dignity and respect on the job. With the power to negotiate legally binding contracts, Teamsters Local 325 empowers workers to stand up for themselves, their family, and their future. By providing legal representation to our members, we ensure your voice is heard and your rights are protected.

Bruce Coleman

Erik Calvert
Secretary Treasurer/Principal Officer
The largest union in the U.S., Teamsters represents more than 1.4 million working men and women. Locally, Teamsters Local 325 represents 1,050 members, including freight and sanitation drivers, dock workers, public sector workers, maintenance crews, landscaping crews, clerical workers, and more. Unlike other unions acting on behalf of one specific trade, Teamsters Local 325 can represent a wide range of occupations.
By standing together with others, you can gain a seat at the table and the ability to demand a fair deal. As members of the Teamsters Union, public employees can win a comfortable standard of living and job security. A legally binding Teamster contract covers wages, hours, and other important working conditions. Union membership puts more money in your pocket. Among full-time wage and salary workers, union members had median usual weekly earnings of $1,216 in 2022 while nonunion workers had median weekly earnings of $1,029, according to “Union Members – 2022,” published January 2023 by the U.S. Department of Labor.
We run our Teamsters Local 325 as a democracy. As members, we elect our own leaders, determine our own contract priorities, and approve or reject contracts based on a secret ballot. We will not strike unless you say so. We will not pay one penny in dues unless we have voted on a first contract negotiated by our elected bargaining committee. We pay only after we see what we get. Don’t wait any longer to start making a difference for yourself, your family, and those you work with. Join Teamsters Local 325 today to start building a brighter future for all workers.